HelloI have a new tenant who moved in only recently. I have in the lease no smoking clause but they are doing hookah inside the apartment. Is hookah generally acceptable?When should I flag an alarm. Appreciate your i...
Here is a picture of AC filters from a duplex that I changed yesterday. A side was replaced at 2 months and B side at 3 months. What are your thoughts on what the tenants are doing on the A side to get the AC filter t...
Would you lease a part of your strip center to a head shop (tobacco shop that sells pipes, vapes, and related items)? Their existed stores seemed nice and well decorated with the theme. But its presence could be alle...
I have a new tenant that wants to vape. My PM has a no smoking/no vaping clause in her contract, and he (tenant) wants the vaping part removed. Does anyone have any experience with tenants that vape? Will vaping ca...
Is burning Incense the same thing as smoking? We have a lease that says no smoking in or around the building, but does that cover incense as well? I'm not super familiar with incense, does it do damage in the same way...
With the recent outbreak of marijuana paranoia by uneducated people...I'm wondering how many, if any, allow smoking (cigarettes) inside your unit? I'm starting to wonder if there isn't a market here like there is for ...
I checked in on my rental property recently after my Tennant of three years moved out. The place looked great an he was a great Tennant, he even say as VP of the HOA... But there was one issue. He had been smoking in ...
Marijuana Ignites Skirmishes Between Users, Neighbors
The article above is from REALTOR Magazine and describes some of the problems caused by legalized marijuana. If you're in a state with legal doobie, ganga, reef...
I have been a part of BP for over a year now and have been a smoker since I was way to young, but my question is when did smokers get such a bad rap?I personally don't smoke inside of even my own home, not even once. ...
The lease signed by one of my inherited tenants contains a strict non-smoking policy that includes a clause citing a $200 fee per incident. I hadn't really thought about enforcing this policy until very recently, when...