Most people on Bigger pockets are either use private money or hard lenders. A traditional lender won't finance a home that needs to be rehabbed. If you plan on living there, you could do an FHA 203k but what if you co...
Hi everyone, I recently purchased a commercial land that allows for multiple uses. My question is, who is the person who does the "highest and best use analysis" - ?Realtor ? Architect? Appraiser? Your guidance is app...
Hello Bp. Finished reading a few bp books and im about to put things in motion. Sending out first list targeted columbia sc market. Looking for great results. Very excited.
My final class for my Professional Sales degree at Weber State is to go out and use my sales skills and turn in reports and activity logs. I'm looking for a current real estate investor willing to let me find them som...
Hello members of BiggerPockets! Thanks for having me. I am glad to have a forum to discuss scenarios and ideas in addition to networking. I am not only looking to connect with members in the Seattle area (of course ...
I'm a newbie here so I'm not sure how to find the information regarding my matter but this is the situation I'm about to deal with. I have a homeowner that just got their first foreclosure letter and their house ha...
SO pretty much as the title says, I'm looking for any kind of meet up groups or events that will be geared more towards the MF / Apartment side of things. (bigger than 4 units) I'm looking to connect with people invol...
I had the privilege of attending the Mobile Home Park Investor's Bootcamp this weekend in Las Vegas, NV (hosted by Frank Rolfe and designed by Frank Rolfe and Dave Reynolds) of Mobile Home and MobileHom...
Hi Everyone! My name is Scott Graham and I am very excited to start on the path of becoming a Real Estate Investor! I am a recent graduate of Wentworth Institute of Technology, in Boston MA with an Undergraduate and G...
Hello folks! As you may be able to tell by the contents of my very incomplete profile, I am a whole saler looking for contacts, and even potential partners, in southern Colorado. While I have sent the tradit...