So I started sending out yellow letters to 60 day Lates. I decided to change it up a bit and start door knocking on my new list for the week. I went to about 40 houses today. I knocked on the doors, waited about 30 se...
Tenant informed me of a maintenance request 1 week and 1 day go and the issue still hasn't been resolved. It has been a challenge getting someone out to the property; hasn't been from a lack of trying. Now someone say...
Does anyone believe that you can really time the housing market? We know it is close to impossible to time the stock market. Are there any completly accurate indicators to show if the market will turn downward or up...
I have a condo rental unit in West Chester, PA. I found out from the condo association office that the police has been out to the unit a few times on drug usage and charges have been filed. When I called the police de...
Hello everyone,
My name is Tag Ogren, I live just outside Asheville, North Carolina. I mostly grew up in Norther Illinois but spent a lot of time as a kid in Asheville. My wife and I bought our first home in Ill...
Hey everyone! My name is Kodi and I am 23, own a mobile paintless dent removal business based around lynchburg and roanoke Virginia. I just opened last year, but business is already great and now my goal is to buy m...
I want some direction.
I own two properties. One is a multi in CT. The others a SFR in Las Vegas
The multi was purchased in 2015. I have about 200k in equity and it’s soon to be generating about 3300 a month. R...
What is the cheapest way to go? Looking at vinyl single-hung. Is it cheaper to go through a company like Champion or Feldco with an installed price, or overall cheaper to buy them at Home Depot and have your contrac...
My brother's family owns a few very nice homes in a resort market that he rents out. The rentals are primarily during the summer season as that is when people visit the town. Of course, they are having a harder time w...
Hello,I want to buy my family home. It would be a direct sale with no brokers involved. The current mortgage interest rate is half of what I was quoted. Is there a way I can take on the current mortgage payments (at t...