Most personal finance pundits will tell you that if a purchase does not produce income and depreciates, it's bad debt. They'll also tell you that you should avoid bad debt wherever possible, buying things like cars up...
I hope this message finds you well. I am reaching out for advice regarding a significant decision I am considering, and I would greatly appreciate your insights and guidance.For the past seven years, I have been leasi...
Hello all, I am just starting out in this real estate investing business and I need advice from like-minded individuals. I went to one of those "guru" classes last August and ended up purchasing a course package. Befo...
There are always posts about whether or not a recession is coming, or whether or not someone should wait for one to invest. Instead of that question, I’ll ask .... do you want a recession to occur in the next 12 month...
i have a client that im about to do a short sale.she has several properties and a couple off restaurants. If i do a short sale for her will the bank go after her for the remainder off the balance? 2) does she have to...
I am brand new to real estate investing and I am looking for ways to get involved ASAP. I have heard a lot of good things about home equity loans or home equity lines of credit, but I cannot seem to see the bigger pi...
My wife and I have 11K saved up. We want to start investing in real estate. We have some consumer debt we need to pay off, our credit score is excellent, and we have educated ourselves a bit. What advice do you exp...
Hi guys,I am not sure what happened to the rental market. All I am getting are people with bad credit. One newly married couple : she had 635 credit, he had a few evictions. The other couple: the guy had an eviction, ...
Should I buy a commercial property in New Windsor NY? Here are the details: -3 tenants, of which 2 of the tenants occupy multiple offices. The kitchen remodeling store occupies units 101 and 102. Hair salon occupies...
Scenario: This scenario is an amalgamation of a few inquiries that I've had in the last couple months. Person purchased a neglected facility using hard money. Took a few years to get licensing, permits, etc, to either...