Listening to people beat up on the young folks for having their student loans paid off. Look at this people born between 81 and 96 are getting poorer while the rest of us are getting richer. What this is really sayi...
The context being today's market.Assumption: the new asset would be in addition to your existing positive cash flowing portfolio.Requirement: the new asset’s cashflow cannot be negative. It must at least break even a...
What to do? I know nothing. I don't even know my strategy. I'm looking for wisdom, stream of consciousness, whatever--any suggestions that wouldn't require me to step away from my current employment. I have a grow...
Something I remember reading in Josh Dorkin's book, about economic cycles, is that one sign you're in the Peak Phase of a real estate market is that there are real estate gurus everywhere.I can't stop seeing this now....
Some flips are easy...paint, carpet, clean, and list. Then there are the hard ones. I've never posted a diary of a flip before. With over 600 flips under my belt I sometimes think that I've seen it all. Then I see...
Let's say you are a brand new investor. You are 40 years old and you have a family. You have $80K in your savings account, and you decide you want to invest in real estate.
Knowing what you know now, what would you...
I am curious how the landlords on this site will handle tenants whose jobs are going to be impacted by all the conventions being cancelled and hotel rooms being cancelled and flights being cancelled etc etc. We know o...
Hello everyone, I have a family friend that is about to go to college and is very interested in real estate investing and says that will be his future. He asked me what he should major in and I told him business admin...
Female Property Investors/Landlords. I need your advice. If you are doing this on your own. By that, I mean, no male figure next to you that is your father, boyfriend, husband, brother, cousin. If you have none of the...
Today, in Sept 2018 the Stock Market is at 28,000. An all time high. The average wage is $26 per hour. It takes 1,077 work hours to “buy the market”. That is, if you buy one share each of the stocks of the Dow, the co...