If you are an individual you can owner finance one deal per year, If you are married your wife can likewise owner finance one deal per year. If you are a trust you can do one deal per year. If you are an LLC or some o...
As some of you know, the ability to finance manufactured homes by both outside lenders and through seller finance is seriously in question for homes where the loans are under $50,000.00 thanks to the Dodd-Frank Act. T...
I have noticed a lot of ads being pitched about getting out of hassles of being a landlord and becoming a more “passive“ investor through the use of 1031 exchange and DST‘s. They are claiming they can get from 9 to 14...
Panama is one of the hottest real estate markets in the world! It has been ranked the number one place to retire in the world for the past 6 years by international living. It offers great and cheap medical, high end...
What accounting program do you use for your jobs, Quickbooks or ? Cloud based or ? @Lynn Currie @J Scott @Kenneth Bell and others please.
Hi guys,
I just got to know this new concept of crowd funding for real estate. It looks like it might change the whole business. What do you think? https://www.realtymogul.com/
Hi all- Quick background, I'm nearly 51, fiance is 55, I'm American, he's Australian, we both live in Dubai. I own a rental property in Portland, OR, that pays the mortgage, appreciated about 30% over 12 years, and gi...
Trying to decide if it's time to incorporate as an llc. Share accounts when having an LLc has worked to your benefit. Moments when you said, "soooo glad I incorporated!"Thanks!
I have been a Building Official/Zoning Administrator for 20 plus years. If you have questions regarding code matters feel free to reach out. It may be another perspective you hadn't considered. Since becoming an in...