Yesterday afternoon, BiggerPockets signed up our 300,000th member! Just 9 short months ago, we were only 200,000. Exponential growth is fascinating to watch!Can we be at 400,000 by the end of 2015? Seems do-able. It t...
What is the Best Way to Screen for Tenants?
Who Gets License and Insurance Information on Vendors Working on Their Properties?
I went to the dept of building & safety to ask about the permit process to build a 400 sq ft studio in my back yard so i can rent it out. They told me to get a civil engineer or architect to submit plans. I was un...
Hi Everyone. I have a house I rent to 2 men, or who need staff for care giving. Each man requires 2 staff at all time to help with their needs. So we have 4 staff members in the house at all times. The Lease is set ...
Earlier today I received a text to my personal cell letting me know I'd successfully registered my number to bigger pockets (I had not) moments later I receive a text letting me know this was an error and that my pers...
im ready to book and the storm hit, is everything still moving forward?
Hi, I am hoping someone help me out quickly here. I am looking for an attorney in Washington state who can help with some issues we have with the tenants right now.The 12 month lease is expiring by August end and desp...
Hi all,long time lurker but I've run into a spot of trouble. I have a property in Memphis that the property manager has been managing fine for > 5 years and they recently became unresponsive to calls/emails and ha...
How to get the contact information for a vacant house.