Listening to people beat up on the young folks for having their student loans paid off. Look at this people born between 81 and 96 are getting poorer while the rest of us are getting richer. What this is really sayi...
I am brand new to real estate investing, but I’ve been listening to BiggerPockets podcasts for the past 3 months and I read 2 of Robert Kiyosaki’s books. But when I told one of my family members about my interest in ...
Hello all, Hoping to get some first-hand knowledge and/or opinions on the best southside Chicago sub markets for apartment building investments. I've heard that Woodlawn, Bronzeville, and Jackson Park highlands are ...
I was browsing through the forums and came across a thread started by a landlord in Portland, Oregon. Long story short, I discovered that Portland requires their Landlords to give tenants a 90 day notice anytime they ...
He seems to know his stuff, has worked on boats all his life, was able to lay out for me in detail a couple options to redo my kitchen and bath cabinets for $12/hr and he'd use me or someone for grunt work. He lives o...
I recently listened to the podcast GRE (Get Rich Education with Keith Weinhold) and his guest was Ted Benna, who has been credited to being the father of the 401K. (Here is the link to the episode for any who are inte...
Some days i wake up and have to encourage myself in my goal; I must admit i have lost some of the omph' but i am continuing to plug away to accomplish this goal. (some days every body around is so negative its hard no...