Listening to people beat up on the young folks for having their student loans paid off. Look at this people born between 81 and 96 are getting poorer while the rest of us are getting richer. What this is really sayi...
Basically I've posted a late notice on a tenant door. It pretty much stated May 15, 2017 which is today is her deadline and 19th is when the court precedings will begin. I text you this am and reminded her of the late...
Curious to know which numbers real estate investors look at when considering properties. Do the numbers vary depending on the property type (ex. single-family homes, apartment complex, etc.).Thanks :)
I've finally done it. My first batch of yellow letters went out yesterday. Whoever said that thinking doesn't cure fear but action does was spot on.
I know Greg Smith's thread is popular so I figure people might enjo...
First of all, sorry if this comes off a bit negative. I'm posting it in the off-topic forum because I don't rightly know which forum it belongs in.Okay, so I've been doing some research into turnkey RE investing bec...
My wife and I sort of stumbled into the world of REI recently. We are both in our late 50s and are looking to get involved with investing as a means of continuing our income after we retire and building wealth. We a...
Firstly, let me say that I apologize if this gets long winded. I have a few issues but will break them up into separate posts to help make things easier. Since I haven't closed a deal, I figured this was the best ...
This is a long post, but I figured I would post my situation and a decision I am trying to make along with a spreadsheet I made to track financial independence. See link below. You should be able to copy and paste int...
Hello InvestorsI need some advice on this out of state Commercial purchase. We own small Commercial office spaces and are looking into purchasing a Retail building with 2 tenants with one of them being a big box corpo...