Increase your fico score with this good credit hack. A great way to improve your credit is with loans. But what if you don't qualify? No problem if you or some one close to you has some cash. Here is how it works. ...
I only use my Lowes card when I need items for my business. I charged about 160.00 in April. I do this because I get the 5% discount if I pay when the bill arrives. In May, I got the bill and paid it. Starting a few w...
i do that for a few clients
its a combination of a few loans from 20-100K and they add up
Hey everyone! I just closed on my first property literally today. Super excited but now I'm a little confused. I want to make sure I get all the tax benefits from the property, so I want to make sure I track my expens...
Hey everybody,I have a family applying for one of my units who seem pretty solid. They have good references from their previous landlords, they strike me like responsible people, all three of them (husband, wife, moth...
Interested in a balance transfer of funds from my business credit cards to a bank account for REI. Should these funds be drafted into a my personal checking account or into my business checking account?
I tried to open my first business checking account today for my new LLC at a credit union. Filling out the forms, I came to the "owner" section. I wanted the owner of the account to be the LLC. My credit union assi...
Hi All,I am trying to improve my credit score as quick as possible I currently have a credit card which has a max of $1000 and I currently owe $900 on it so my utilization is very high. I currently also hold a car loa...
TL/DR - I bought a 3.5 down FHA Duplex, I'll be living in one side and renting out the other. I still need to pay towards the mortgage, but I'm saving money compared to renting. Do folks recommend: 1. Just deposit ren...
Hi, hoping someone may have the answer to this question. I have checkbook control of my 401k using an LLC. I understand from my custodian that if I need to make a purchase of any materials for a property owned by tha...