Title: Navigating Mobile, AL: A Primer on the Commercial Real Estate MarketWelcome to the heart of the Gulf Coast! Mobile, Alabama, is not only a cultural hub but also a burgeoning center for commercial real estate in...
My wife is looking to buy a rental property on West Hawaii, Big Island. The home we found is large w/ ocean view, 1 mile up from the beach, which has 2beds/bath downstairs and 3beds/2bath upstairs, separately entrance...
I have approximately 70k in equity in my house with a free and clear title. I plan to move in with my fiancé in the next year to year and a half, in her house, in a city 2 hours away. Also at the same time my daughter...
We are moving to Boston (zip 02144) and have about $200K available for a down payment. Rent for an apartment that would meet our needs is $2-2.2K/mo. We will be in Boston for 3 years at least.Painting in broad strokes...
If you're considering investing in real estate, it's important to know about the neighborhoods and areas you are looking to invest in. Like which neighborhoods are seeing the strongest growth and offer the best poten...
For various reasons, I want to start focusing more of my available capital outside of the USA.
What countries do you guys suggest that are in a similar state as the USA now in terms of acquisition pricing and rental p...
Good morning! Super excited to be a part of this great community. I’ve been listening to the BP podcast for about 2 months now, per recommendation, and read a few books...starting to feel dangerous! After renting out ...
Hi all! We are looking to buy our first triplex in North Brewerytown- a neighborhood of Philly. Specifically, the building is by the corner of Ridge Ave and W Glenwood so pretty much as north as you can go for Brewery...
Hi, my name is Leigh Ann. My husband and I have begun researching real estate investing with the tentative goal of acquiring a few residential rental properties. We've read the Ultimate Beginner's Guide, are list...
My Wife and I are interested in exploring the potential rental market/Air BnB demand for MDI, ME. The property that we currently have our eye's set on is in the town of West Tremont/Bernard and is hugging the Bass Har...