Do private money loans charge points from the full amount of loan or the amount remaining after the down payment?
Is it best to seek out private money lenders in the area which the property is located? I've been told that it's best to try and connect with private lenders in the area of the potential property for tangible reasons....
Would you mind sharing your perspective on whether you think it is preferable to raise private money to buy property, or get a property in contract and present to private investors?...and why?
I have been talking to several private lenders and for some reason I keep getting thrown for a loop. Everything starts off seeming legit and then things turn and I start second guessing the lender. I have found two th...
Hello!I would like to hire a professional, but I don't know what type of professional to search for. I have invested in private real estate and public stock investments, and I am looking for someone to make a comprehe...
To create an additional income stream, I have decided to privately lend (gap funds under $50k for my first) amongst other members of the REI flip method coaching program to which I belong. I have already formed an LLC...
Hi guys, I’m looking to invest in my first deal and I have acces to capital from family and friends that live in Europe. I was wondering is there any difference from taking private money from US and what are some thin...
I have someone that wants to invest their money privately with me in real estate. I've never used this type of funding before and was wondering what type of documents should I have when securing the funds. This is my ...
Is it normal to pay anything upfront besides a down payment on Private Money Lender financing deal
Does this look legitimate to you guys
So here is the deal: With my current financial climate and aspirations, my best bet getting started with investing is through creative financing. I have a potential private lender / partner ready to go once they have ...