There is no right answer. Your answers are appreciated and are being used for research purposes.
1) What do you feel are the two most important things for a successful wholesaler business?
2) How do ...
Hey everyone, I'm glad to be back from getting married and going on a cruise! It was a wonderful wedding day everything went right and the honeymoon was amazing. I am now transitioning back into the real world and get...
I’ve read a few articles reporting that the idea of Rent Strike(s) is gaining momentum. Apparently, advocates have moved past a request seeking deferred payments, or other options, to simply demanding that rent be wai...
Realtors......why in the world would you use this as your lead picture? Please explain....... please....
Hello, I am interested in buying land in linden,Tx, it was bought by a nonprofit, and I am a 7th day adventist christian and the seller bought 100k acres to build a christian community and selling land to those intere...
I own a 3 family house with a driveway in an dense area of the city. Recently one of my tenants had an issue where rats had eaten through her car and caused enough damage that they considered it totaled (2019 Subaru ~...
Today i received an email for advertising on Yelp. I am looking for new places to advertise online but really have no faith in it. Most business has come from paid adds in magazines, etc not the internet. Also I just ...
A business must have an organized set of procedures for day to day operations. No matter the business type, the importance of procedures is undeniable. For example, McDonald's has the same procedures of making a chees...
A business must have an organized set of procedures for day to day operations. No matter the business type, the importance of procedures is undeniable. For example, McDonald's has the same procedures of making a chees...
Link: http://www.mortgagenewsdaily.c...
March 11, 2021
"The letter focuses on thenew 7 percent limitation on acquisitions of loans secured by second homes or investment properties. All limits are measured as 52-wee...