If you are spending money sending yellow letters, make sure your answering service doesn't run out of space.I probably get around one yellow letter a week for one of my rentals. I am considering selling it, and am ge...
Who has used batchleads and would you recommend them or a better option? I like that they say they offer “all in one”, skip trace, text blasts and pulling lists...🤔
Technology's impact will not be an immediate end of jobs, but an increasing stress on wages and work environment. You will continue to be paid less for doing more.Owning income-producing assets (real estate, business...
Since Zillow discontinued it's support for rental comps analyzer, I am wondering, what tools are available out there? How do you run your comps?
I have a rental property where I rent out bedrooms. The kitchen/livingroom is considered a common area. Recently it has been a problem getting people to do basic stuff like lock the front door, clean their dishes, tak...
I'm considering hiring "All the Leads" for their probate leads and would like to get some feedback?
http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/2/3173f19e-5fbc-11e4-8c27-00144feabdc0.htmlA perennial optimist when it comes to technology, he argues that all that will change. Rapid improvements in artificial intelligence, for instanc...
Hello to all!!I have been using Duncan Wierman's Online Lead Finder software for almost a year now. However, in the past 4 months, the software has gone down hill and has now become essentially useless. I have gone ...
I have a list that I built myself and plan to do a direct mail campaign to everybody that owes at least $10,000 in taxes which in my area would usually mean they are behind by at least 4-5 years. I have a list of prob...
Asking this question for friend, as we haven't been able to get a positive answer.She owns a property that she bought in 2007 at the peek. worth about 145k and owes about 147k. She wants to keep it as a rental prope...