Has anyone installed magnetic windows inside inefficient historic windows? Our historic overlay requires historic, single pane, wooden windows; however, they’re horrible for utilities. Looking at options. Thanks!!
Have any of you tested windowless envelopes versus window letters in your marketing? Personally I like non window envelopes, but I don't really have any data to back up that preference.
It’s time to replace windows. Over 100 years old. Any contractor referrals. Westchester ny.
Hi Everyone,
I'm looking for reasonable and quality window installers and window suppliers. Please let me know as soon as possible.
Hey Milwaukee! The frame on one of my windows (upper duplex) is completely rotted - thinking it needs to be replaced. I may want to get quotes for some other older windows too while I'm at it. Any recommendations for ...
Alside excalliber II windows or Silverline 1200 series? Anybody with experience with either... please offer your help (good or bad). I will be buying 120 double hung windows in the next 2 months for a big project...
Does anyone know someone who wants to install 6 double hung windows for extra cash in the Peoria/Pekin area? Please let me know because we are ready!
Who normally has the responsibility for window curtains expense? the renter or the property owner
Hey BP,
I have heard in the past to avoid properties with window units (no central A/C). What are the thoughts of the community?
IS there need for a permit to remove interior windows. These are the windows that are there, prior to adding on enclosed porch..
Thnaks folks