Results (2247)
Blake Edwards
Investors who have a W2...Are you still investing in a 401k?
27 January 2020 | 168 replies
Are you still putting your money away in a retirement account?
Are you maxing it out?
Are you getting the bare minimum employer match?
Or are you parking all your money in a liquid account to be ready for the next ...
Chris Gawlik
The US Economy Will Recover Quickly ??? Think Again !!!
26 May 2021 | 114 replies
I keep hearing many investors speak of the housing market and stock market as if we are in a normal situation. Everything is great and the stimulus has solved all of the problems that a global pandemic has created. Ta...
Double Your Rental Income with Co-Living Cash Flow w/Sam Wegert
19 January, 2022
When to Buy New vs. Used and is That Car Repair Worth the Cash?
30 October, 2022
Andrea Cole
How are you handling Coronavirus cancellations?
17 March 2020 | 132 replies
We have a Strict cancellation policy but guests are asking for full refunds due to events that are cancelled in the area. We are not in a region of the US that Airbnb recognizes in the extenuating circumstance guideli...