For those of you focused on building buy and hold portfolios, what kind of techniques do you use to help you keep your eye on the ball and not bail out for short term gains or worse, letting yourself get LAZY? Curre...
Hello All, my name is Rob Bergeron, I'm an agent in Louisville, KY. We have a 600 ft rule here (can't have multiple airbnbs within 600 ft). The goal now is to find or-2 or commercial zoning for aibrnbs (rules don't ap...
I do land loans! If you have been looking for someone who does land loans look no further. contact me!
All – I’ve been reading \ researching for a couple months now, joined BP couple weeks back. Been working on creating a strategy, want to jump in as intelligently as possible. I’m looking to implement a buy and hold ...
Anybody use this for airbnb? What are the optimal customizations to use?
What do you struggle with most when trying to generate leads on social media?
I've done 3 deals after 6 months of starting but I would like to find out from you guys have any other marketing techniques you may have tried out besides mailers, bandit signs. Are there any other marketing tips I co...
I am looking for ways to diversify my marketing. I already do a ton of direct mail marketing. I'm working on SEO and implementing a Google Adwords PPC campaign as well. I realize that small print ads is probably more ...
Was looking for perspectives from Bay Area owners on the potential impact of seismic upgrades on soft story buildings. I have a partial soft story in Oakland and wondering what other investors are conside...
does anybody have any experience with this system? opinions? anything helps, thanks!