Real Estate is BIG business down here in Costa Rica. The recent economic crisis the world is feeling, has not been as much of an issue here as elsewhere. The tourism markets have been hit pretty hard and although Real...
I can’t confirm this person had bad intentions, so I’m not going to call them out, but I believe this concept is something people should be aware of. Someone asked me to help them with some wholesale leads they had, a...
I was trying to figure out what things having a job while investing gives you instead of being self employed and I was curious about health insurance. If I were to quit my job and no longer have their health insurance...
The only two things I can initially think of is Beshear is pro marijuana, so maybe that can bring in some more revenue and help us keep up with our peer cities. Andy also supports expanded gambling as a resource for f...
Hi all, I am a 26 year old who has been having bad luck with buying profitable investment properties ( all of my properties are not producing returns). While doing more research, I have decided that I wanted to start ...
Hi,I purchased my rental property few years ago for 300k in Washington State free and clear and since then it has doubled it's value with capital gain around 300k. I'm planning to get married in 2 years and want to bu...
The people have spoken. The taxpayers in the People's Republic of California have had enough.
Calif. voters reject budget measures, leaving Schwarzenegger, lawmakers with bigger deficit.
So in this year of the Presidential Election, I thought I would ask, which party, if they win the White House in 2016, will benefit Real Estate Investors more in the next four years, republicans or democrats and why?
State government policies like income and business taxes are influencing some people’s decision on where to live and work. Even before the pandemic, less burdensome taxes in Texas drew huge tech companies like Tesla, ...
I know I'm not the only one waiting for this a-hole to be behind bars! Seems Blago tried to sell Obama's state senate seat....and now he'll join a long tradition of Ilinois Governors sitting in the clink.