Some people have a hard time managing their finances effectively. If you count yourself among them, don’t despair. Being successful on the financial front really doesn’t require a quick fix. Rather it demands that you...
My W2 is affording me some extra time and I want to spend that time building my REI experience.I am a commercial lighting and interior designer and lighting controls expert. I design small to large scale commercial p...
I read previous posts about Q/K, helpful but they seem to have ended in a bit of a coin-toss.I plan to go live with a small 1bd/1ba ski/golf area condo (think humblest little place in the whole area, but clean and con...
Just for fun but I know many of us have made it pretty big in real estate whether its a huge flip, cashout refinance, or built up rental profits. but I want to see what our biggest most extravagant guilty pleasure pur...
Hey everyone, looking for some input. I have a car loan for 45k at 1.9% I also have my rental property note that is 46k at 5.2% I am in a position to pay off one, which would you pay off ?Side note, I'd love to get in...
Dear fellow BPer'sI am a newby that would love to get some advice from the Masters on which market to focus on for my next investment property.A bit of background on me: I am in my mid 40's and have a W2 job which I ...
How would I be able to save paychecks when we need grocies, something I buy on the weekly, and buy things I want but dont need? Like candy, junk food, etc. I dont have full control on where my money goes when it comes...
Hey everyone. I'm not sure if this is the correct place to post this, but I will give it a try.I am starting a new direct mail campaign. In the past i have had a hard time keeping track of my responses. I have no exce...
Hey guys! Need some advice here ( I picked up this house cheap in July for $280k from a woman that was put on hospice. My wife and I put in $40k. The house was in...
We're revamping our firepit and I'm looking for recommendations on purchasing Adirondack chairs.There are so, so many options on Amazon, it's a little overwhelming.Has anyone purchased chairs that they leave out all s...