Karen Smith
Key Qualities to Consider in a Borrower Before Offering Private Money Loans
11 October 2024 | 17 replies
To your original question Karen, as private lenders you are going to get deals where borrowers have low credit scores or are in tricky financial situations.
Karena Rumble-Carter
New Member Introduction | Co-founder of Rumble Stays
23 September 2024 | 3 replies
I’m Karena, based in Danbury, Connecticut, and excited to officially join the Bigger Pockets community after lurking for a couple of months, soaking up all the knowledge I can!
Karen Bolyard
Capital Gains Question
4 March 2024 | 8 replies
Hey Karen, A misconception about the real estate professional status (REPS) is that you can be in a real property trade or business (in your case, broker) and still qualify.
Jonathan Rivera
Propstream or Listsource?
2 January 2024 | 28 replies
Originally posted by @Karena Willis:@Joshua Dayrit, Newbie here.
Mayerling Mejia
Tresa Todd mentorship
7 December 2023 | 131 replies
Hi Karena,I think the $17 is not a loss at all.
Karen Higgins
Cost segregation questions - help needed!
23 March 2018 | 19 replies
Hi Karen,As I understand it from your posts on here you and your husband likely qualify as real estate professionals.
Karen Margrave
4 March 2013 | 5 replies
Karen - A quick calculation that i have seen work multiple times is this (assuming that demo, construction costs and sales prices are not exotic or out of line):If your total sales revenue is 5-6x your land cost, you probably have a deal worth taking a hard look at.
Karen A.
Signs of Issues?
10 June 2016 | 6 replies
@Karen A. visual condition will tell you a lot about a property.
Mason Kelley
Breaking lease due to military orders.
18 January 2014 | 29 replies
Mike, the lease does state that if it is broken they forfeit the deposit. ( just not sure how that pertains to the military.)Karen, As a veteran myself, and understand the hardships of being in the military.