21 October 2024 | 176 replies
This is just them being just being hyper in response to see shorts and creating a deeper end of it. U
20 August 2024 | 81 replies
If your not familar with this talk to your CPA about it.. U
15 August 2024 | 86 replies
No question about it.. U
22 July 2024 | 82 replies
If these wholesaler want to get paid they need to get a license and go work for a brokerage or they need to have their own money buy their inventory Then start marketing it once they own it.. U
16 June 2024 | 40 replies
Guys like you that speicalize in it I get it.. U
30 May 2024 | 17 replies
Part of it is the higher cost of operating a business there, and part of it is that the Contractors know that they can ask higher $$ and usually get it. U
25 March 2024 | 214 replies
U had a book no computer the big book had the listings in it.. U
6 March 2024 | 19 replies
Then we just put our own insurance on it . and continued to pay the insurance that was currently on it. U
17 May 2018 | 16 replies
IF the judge falls for it U can get $$ back.