Joseph A Henke
Buying multiple rentals cash then using HELOC to buy more.
30 July 2022 | 8 replies
call Can Duit Electric in Rockford, he had real estate in Rockford, lived there since 90s.
Ryan Standage
Stated income loans where to find?
18 January 2008 | 8 replies
if you run it as full doc through du it will ask for a verbal veo if the system likes the loan.
Dave J.
Hi to all in the BP community
1 March 2015 | 22 replies
So to everyone, Dia Duit, ag súil go mór páirt a ghlacadh agus ag fáil a fhios agat go léir (Hello, looking forward to participating and getting to know you all).Dave J.
Andrew Yu
FSBO Question about Buyer
13 December 2018 | 19 replies
The lenders I use usually reference two stages, first running the info through Desktop Underwriting (DU) to make sure it gets approved by the system, and then having an actual human underwriter review and approve the information.What we often do as listing agents (that you could probably do since you're representing yourself, although the buyer may need to give their mortgage person permission to talk to you) is call the lender directly and ask if they've actually received the credit, asset and income info already, and if so, if it has been run through DU. It's
Mason V.
how should you educate a seller when their price is too high?
5 April 2015 | 11 replies
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