9 January 2020 | 4 replies
I received a hot lead from a motivated seller who wants out of her house for the following reasons:- Seller cannot cover mortgage alone so abusive daughter lives with seller to help pay mortgage (daughter arrested for domestic abuse)- Seller is elderly and medically disabled (low income)Any advice on how to help?

21 May 2020 | 7 replies
Does your tenant have a medical background?

16 August 2019 | 5 replies
Medical Payments: Provides coverage for an injury suffered on the premises.

25 May 2020 | 6 replies
Elm Thicket is pretty hot....cheap neighborhood next to super expensive neighborhoods and good demand drivers from Medical Center area nearby.You're right about some of the other areas....West Dallas West of Trinity Groves is probably ripe...I'd say all the way from downtown to loop 12.Casa View is probably ripe or anywhere along Garland Ave along White Rock Lake.Bishop Arts area has been talked about for years.There seems to be some activity on East side of 35 at about Jefferson/Davis in south Dallas.I would also take a look at the Cedars area south of downtown....lots of big smart money there....Mark Cuban, Jim Lake, Jack Mathews, Mike Hoque.You might also look at train/rail stops in better locations.

6 August 2020 | 3 replies
This property is 4 minutes walk to the medical center and 15 minutes walk to a University.

3 November 2019 | 2 replies
Within a few hours a medical worker booked the place for triple her rent for 3 months!

3 January 2022 | 3 replies
building new construction esp medical is very expensive, low LTV means you're going to splash a lot of cash for a risky play.

11 January 2015 | 8 replies
State Security Instrument Foreclosure TypeInitial StepNumber of MonthsRedemptionDeficiencyAlabamaMortgageNon-JudicialPublication112 monthsAllowedAlaskaTrust DeedNon-JudicialNotice of Default3NoneAllowedArizonaTrust DeedNon-JudicialNotice of Sale3NoneAllowedArkansasMortgageJudicialComplaint4NoneAllowedCaliforniaTrust DeedNon-JudicialNotice of Default4NoneProhibitedColoradoTrust DeedNon-JudicialNotice of Default275 DaysAllowedConnecticutMortgageStrictComplaint5NoneAllowedDelawareMortgageJudicialComplaint3NoneAllowedDistrict of ColumbiaTrust DeedNon-JudicialNotice of Default2NoneAllowedFloridaMortgageJudicialComplaint5NoneAllowedGeorgiaSecurity DeedNon-JudicialPublication2NoneAllowedHawaiiMortgageNon-JudicialPublication3NoneAllowedIdahoTrust DeedNon-JudicialNotice of Default5NoneAllowedIllinoisMortgageJudicialComplaint7NoneAllowedIndianaMortgageJudicialComplaint53 monthsAllowedIowaMortgageJudicialPetition56 monthsAllowedKansasMortgageJudicialComplaint46-12 monthsAllowedKentuckyMortgageJudicialComplaint6NoneAllowedLouisianaMortgageExec.ProcessPetition2NoneAllowedMaineMortgageJudicialComplaint6NoneAllowedMarylandTrust DeedNon-JudicialNotice2NoneAllowedMassachusettsMortgageJudicialComplaint3NoneAllowedMichiganMortgageNon-JudicialPublication26 monthsAllowedMinnesotaMortgageNon-JudicialPublication26 monthsProhibitedMississippiTrust DeedNon-JudicialPublication2NoneProhibitedMissouriTrust DeedNon-JudicialPublication2NoneAllowedMontanaTrust DeedNon-JudicialNotice5NoneProhibitedNebraskaMortgageJudicialPetition5NoneAllowedNevadaTrust DeedNon-JudicialNotice of Default4NoneAllowedNew HampshireMortgageNon-JudicialNotice of Sale2NoneAllowedNew JerseyMortgageJudicialComplaint310 DaysAllowedNew MexicoMortgageJudicialComplaint4NoneAllowedNew YorkMortgageJudicialComplaint4NoneAllowedNorth CarolinaTrust DeedNon-JudicialNotice Hearing2NoneAllowedNorth DakotaMortgageJudicialComplaint360 daysProhibitedOhioMortgageJudicialComplaint5NoneAllowedOklahomaMortgageJudicialComplaint4NoneAllowedOregonTrust DeedNon-JudicialNotice of Default5NoneAllowedPennsylvaniaMortgageJudicialComplaint3NoneAllowedRhode IslandMortgageNon-JudicialPublication2NoneAllowedSouth CarolinaMortgageJudicialComplaint6NoneAllowedSouth DakotaMortgageJudicialComplaint3180 daysAllowedTennesseeTrust DeedNon-JudicialPublication2NoneAllowedTexasTrust DeedNon-JudicialPublication2NoneAllowedUtahTrust DeedNon-JudicialNotice of Default4NoneAllowedVermontMortgageJudicialComplaint7NoneAllowedVirginiaTrust DeedNon-JudicialPublication2NoneAllowedWashingtonTrust DeedNon-JudicialNotice of Default4NoneAllowedWest VirginiaTrust DeedNon-JudicialPublication2NoneProhibitedWisconsinMortgageJudicialComplaint2-3NoneAllowedWyomingMortgageNon-JudicialPublication23 monthsAllowedReasons why people lose their homeA loss of an income, death in the family, medical expenses and other life-altering occurrences can happen to anyone, causing us to fall behind in our loan payments.

28 January 2015 | 8 replies
We have to understand that this is a legal and legit form of business in many states now (growing medical marijuana), this would be good information to know before negotiating.

10 June 2019 | 33 replies
Just got two quotes from safeco yesterday for two homes on one lot...House 1 (700 sqft)$238 premium - coverages $97,600 dwelling, $500k liability, $5K medical, $10K structures.House 2 ($950 sqft)$318 premium - coverages $143K dwelling, etc...