18 July 2012 | 9 replies
Yeah, I guess I was more just thinking out-loud here.
4 December 2013 | 10 replies
I suggest you do nothing to rock the boat, go to closing and move in.

24 July 2012 | 4 replies
I see our HOA management is very passive about reinforcement except on occasion when they are confronted by active loud spoken neighbor.

2 August 2012 | 54 replies
It's all about how you were brought up.The kids and even adults today about 80 to 90% are in jobs because they do it because they have to and want to leave as soon as possible.My first job I was 14.I wanted a Tandy computer from Radio Shack but my dad said we couldn't afford it.So being a kid walking around my subdivision there was a fruit market right across the road.I went over and talked to the owner and was hired.I walked back home and told my parents I got a job.The work was very tough but we had a bunch of fun.Didn't have a fork lift so they would back up a truck and we would unload potting soil,wheat straw,pine straw,pumpkins,watermelons,flowers,bags of rocks one by one onto the empty pallets on the ground.When the food truck came we had one manual hand truck.Being the job was considered agricultural I put in sometimes 60 hours a week and I loved the checks as a kid.I bought that Tandy computer.I remember that the salesman at Radio Shack gave me all the reasons why nothing would ever go past 512 kb.My next job years and years later was as a Kmart cashier.I loved being in the air conditioning but the other kids complained the work was too hard.I saw it as a gravy train job that was so easy compared to what I used to do.Many people of today want 100k a year jobs but do not want to put in the work.There are many low income jobs being created but that doesn't motivate people to work.If you have a kid on welfare and you go work part time then they deduct what you make off of that amount so there is no point in working many say.If you get 10 an hour but all of that goes to childcare and they tax you on the income then many just stay home.So the government can't expect to fix the system the way it is right now.There is no motivation for people to work low income jobs when they can make the same unemployed off of government programs.

30 July 2012 | 8 replies
My advice is to look under every rock for a good deal....but you will probably find that you keep finding deals under rocks that have "Bank" written on the side.

30 July 2012 | 15 replies
Wow, you folks rock...
1 August 2014 | 23 replies
You guys rock!

7 August 2014 | 78 replies
There are many times that a problem tenant causes other tenants to move out for noise reasons, trashy loud and abusive friends, parking on the grass, bringing pests into a property, multiple nuisance calls, beer cans dumped in the yard, etc, a million reasons why a tenant can be a problem OTHER than for "personality conflicts" It is difficult to monitor these PITA problems and correct them, and a protracted attempt to do that will lead to the good tenants moving out.

6 August 2014 | 5 replies
However, human nature is "loud bark and no bite."