22 March 2024 | 22 replies
It’s just getting too expensive to keep going in California for myself, doesn’t make sense.

22 March 2024 | 88 replies
As far as your expenses when a tenant moves out, how much would u say you spend?

22 March 2024 | 19 replies
It currently covers all my living expenses, and when I move out would flow roughly $650 for me.

21 March 2024 | 0 replies
Over the span of 5 years you will have paid $77,220 towards rent.However, you're $22,500 downpayment invested into the S&P index fund at our assumed rate of 10.13% compounded annually will be worth $36,236.48Leaving you a net living cost of $36,236.48 - $77,200 = ($40,963.52)Overall numbers after 5 years of house hacking:Expenses include: Principal, Interest, Taxes, Insurance, Repairs/Maintenance, and Private Mortgage Insurance.You will have paid $164,239.76 towards your principal and interestYou will have paid an estimated $20,914 in property taxes and insuranceYou will have paid $5,400 in private mortgage insuranceYou will have paid an estimated $10,859 towards repairs and maintenanceFor a total expense of: $164,239.76 + $20,914 + $5,400 + $10,859 = $201,412.76However, here are the positives to your net worth: Appreciation, Loan Paydown, Rent payments from TenantsYou're home will have appreciated to an estimated value of 560,7812 an increase of $110,782You will have paid down your loan by $26,742Your tenants will have paid $154,439 in total rentThe total benefits add up to: $110,781.87 + $26,742 + $154,439 = $291,962.87House Hacking net worth boosters minus expenses = $291,962.87 - $201,412.76 = $90,550.11(The home equity for year five is calculated using the downpayment + appreciation + loan paydown)House Hacking Vs RentingHouse Hacking net worth after 5 years: $90,550.11Renting net worth after 5 years: ($40,963.52)Leaving you a net worth benefit of $90,550.11 - ($40,963.52) = $131,513.63Here is a screenshot from our calculator on the difference in monthly payments between Renting vs House HackingThe winner is clear.

21 March 2024 | 2 replies
Those you could see yourself when you looked at the house . put on the 5 year list .The deck , without seeing pictures is hard to tell , could be age , could be poor design , may or may not be expensive All in all that report wouldnt scare me at all , Its an older house , it will be constant maintenance .

21 March 2024 | 8 replies
When evaluating rental properties, aside from school districts and convenience, consider factors like neighborhood amenities (parks, restaurants, shopping), rental demand, job market trends, property condition, potential for appreciation, and rental income compared to expenses (including taxes, insurance, and maintenance).

20 March 2024 | 11 replies
Hope others will chime in with solid answers to enhance everyone's knowledge. :)

21 March 2024 | 16 replies
so it sounds like you're planning to buy properties that won't support the debt and expenses as standard long term rentals, but will if you rent by the room?

21 March 2024 | 3 replies
Kings County Housing Court is a dark and expensive place where the tenants/occupants/even squatters have more 'rights' than landlords/owners!

21 March 2024 | 24 replies
I find their note offerings to be on the expensive side, so have not bought anything from them.