Brian Bryson
About to drop 125k CASH for Firestone Park, Akron, OH & having an OOS PANIC ATTACK!
3 November 2023 | 29 replies
We don’t know any PMCs to recommend in the area mentioned, but since selecting the wrong PMC is usually more harmful than selecting a bad tenant, you might want to read our series about “How to Screen a PMC Better than a Tenant”: recommend you get management contracts from several PMCs and compare the services they cover and, more importantly, what they each DO NOT cover.
Jason Howell
Market research strategy for BRRRR/Buy and Hold
11 May 2018 | 23 replies
(I understand if that's a lot to ask, but no harm in asking right?)
Kanwar Sodhi
Need a recommendation for a GOOD property management company
25 August 2022 | 5 replies
We don’t know any PMCs to recommend in the area mentioned, but since selecting the wrong PMC is usually more harmful than selecting a bad tenant, you might want to read our series about “How to Screen a PMC Better than a Tenant”: recommend you get management contracts from several PMCs and compare the services they cover and, more importantly, what they each DO NOT cover.
Elizabeth Cody
Motivated Newbie from Tallahassee, FL
7 August 2016 | 2 replies
There is no harm in learning if that is what you want to do before you get this going.
John Do
Quality Property manager needed
18 November 2022 | 6 replies
We don’t know any PMCs to recommend in the area mentioned, but since selecting the wrong PMC is usually more harmful than selecting a bad tenant, you might want to read our series about “How to Screen a PMC Better than a Tenant”: recommend you get management contracts from several PMCs and compare the services they cover and, more importantly, what they each DO NOT cover.
Randy Thomason
Bird dogging is illegal in this state!
25 July 2019 | 17 replies
they get tighter as innocent owners of real property get harmed in some manner.1. having wholesaler look them in the eye and tell them their 100k property is only worth 30k.. and an unconscionable profit has been taken by someone leaving the owner who no doubt this real estate was their number one financial holding.
Ryan H.
Unfulfilled Loan Contingency
22 June 2022 | 5 replies
If they don't know, then beware- as they are not properly representing you and protecting you from harm.
Joshua Ocean
Whos this Jerome Maldonado and is he the real deal?
17 October 2023 | 13 replies
At worst they offer incorrect and damaging information costing the recepient loss of money and time, and in some cases leading to damages to the people the “mentored” are dealing with .It is fashionable amongst those with limited formal edification to buy into the self servicing bs put forth by those selling the $20-40k programs that formal education is a waste of money and time, and actually may be harmful to your success.
Nicholas Ernewein
Do I disclose information about funding?
25 July 2018 | 4 replies
I don't see the harm in discussing.