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I have 10k to invest, Cant get a mortgage! What would you do?
13 January 2020 | 61 replies
Some of my peers are out buying materialistic things and I rather invest and I dont see the harm in that..
Art Maydan
Avoiding Section 8
8 October 2019 | 99 replies
The strict nature of that , we need to understand, isn’t to harm our bottom line, but to ensure that the living conditions S-8 families have are up to code and in good condition.
Tim C.
Bad Tenant Case Study - Advice?
23 July 2014 | 16 replies
If, as a new property owner, you do a current inspection with pictures to document the condition of the place, then you would be in a stronger position to enforce action if they should do intentional harm to the place.
Kwan Suh
Port Huron MI - Property Management recommendations?
23 December 2022 | 4 replies
We don’t know any PMCs to recommend in the area mentioned, but since selecting the wrong PMC is usually more harmful than selecting a bad tenant, you might want to read our series about “How to Screen a PMC Better than a Tenant”: recommend you get management contracts from several PMCs and compare the services they cover and, more importantly, what they each DO NOT cover.
Greg R.
Housing crash deniers ???
14 January 2023 | 2904 replies
Sounding a bit familiar now, making a bit more sense yet why the Fed would want to harm the jobs market?
Andrew Fidler
Toledo Lead Paint Law...Halted for the THIRD Time
30 June 2023 | 100 replies
And I already know which group of underserved and disfranchised people it would harm the most.
Ross Elder
Chattanooga, TN Property Rentals
6 March 2023 | 3 replies
We don’t know any PMCs to recommend in the area mentioned, but since selecting the wrong PMC is usually more harmful than selecting a bad tenant, you might want to read our series about “How to Screen a PMC Better than a Tenant”: recommend you get management contracts from several PMCs and compare the services they cover and, more importantly, what they each DO NOT cover.
Jeremy Carl
Orlando, FL
4 May 2015 | 46 replies
I have some market information for Orlando too that we may all be able to discuss and see how certain things will help/harm us as investors.
Tanya Jackson
Analysis Paralysis
12 February 2016 | 17 replies
No harm in doing a bit of both networking for a team and looking for the deal/farm area.
Nicholas Ernewein
Do I disclose information about funding?
25 July 2018 | 4 replies
I don't see the harm in discussing.