Eric M.
Questions about NPN and being "holder in due course"
24 May 2012 | 12 replies
Most folks have a trustee somewhere or have been swallowed by a company that can sign off on the curative assignment.
Mathew Mazoch
Freedom founders mastermind
17 January 2022 | 16 replies
I have subsequently leveraged David's curated real estate connections to build a vast portfolio of multifaceted real estate investments, both debt and equity investments...that cash flow...monthly.
Aaron Winters
Building a Mailing List
7 January 2019 | 13 replies
I can find all sorts of information about:Services to curate a listCriteria to help filter your listServices to manage mailersInformation on mailer expectationsDoes anyone offer a mailer service for 1 address at a time?
Peter Jetson
Retired landlords and vacation hoppers: What's not to like?
8 May 2018 | 29 replies
All carefully curated!
Steven Markowitz
6 liens on home
23 March 2016 | 11 replies
There are also other unmentioned ongoing administrative and curative costs.
Steve Babiak
Scripts for calling on sellers
6 October 2018 | 45 replies
Thanks for your efforts to curate it!
Jon Huber
What's the problem with 1/1's in mutlifamily properties?
14 May 2015 | 7 replies
I find the best to curate and manage the tenants.
Derrick Small
Stay away from this hard lender, Flip and Fast Loans, LLC, they will scam you
21 September 2023 | 28 replies
It is all done through escrow.So, when someone asks for money upfront it is either a scam or a greedy intermediary like a broker or corresponding lender that is getting some upfront money.Stories just like this is why I started by curation REI company.
Tyler Erickson
Millennials aren't buying homes - good or bad?
19 February 2019 | 107 replies
Or maybe they camp out in a forest building their own home out of leaves and lumber while curating their own espresso beans.As a real estate investor, part of our goal should be to identify the trend, and capitalize on it.
Leora Merrell
Help. I don't drink coffee...
5 February 2020 | 39 replies
As memory serves, there's also a tasteful, personally-curated collection of adult videos and a lady of the night on call as well to contribute to the memorable occasion of booking a stay chez Sandhu...