18 March 2024 | 17 replies
I think looking to get face-time with someone who is experienced in this specific situation and market status would be really helpful to answer some internal questions and provide guidance and external motivation to make a decision and get moving.

18 March 2024 | 7 replies
It sounded like the team working on the loan wasn't motivated to close as the usual path on these situations is to find a solution with the sellers to get the loan done.

22 March 2024 | 132 replies
Each has its pros and cons depending on your specific goals, but if anyone is interested in knowing my point of view and what I think might happen in the medium and long term I’m happy to share it in private.https://www.lonelyplanet.com/articles/tulum-mexico-digital-nomadshttps://everythingplayadelcarmen.com/population-of-playa-del-carmen/https://www.airdna.co/https://www.lajornadamaya.mx/quintana-roo/177934/tulum-encabeza-preferencias-en-zonas-arqueologicashttps://realestatemarket.com.mx/mercado-inmobiliario/32231-vision-general-de-tulumhttp://sedetursys.qroo.gob.mx/ocupacion/ocupacion2018.phphttps://ftnnews.com/tours/42946-forwardkeys-top-travel-trends-of-2021https://www.estadisticas.inah.gob.mx/http://sedetursys.qroo.gob.mx/ocupacion/https://www.eleconomista.com.mx/estados/Quintana-Roo-registra-la-mayor-tasa-anual-de-crecimiento-poblacional-de-todo-el-pais-Censo-2020-20210127-0108.htmlhttps://londondailypost.com/top-travel-destinations-to-visit-in-2020/http://sedeturqroo.gob.mx/ARCHIVOS/COMO_VAMOS_ENERO_NOVIEMBRE_2019.pdfhttp://sedeturqroo.gob.mx/ARCHIVOS/Como-Vamos-202001-05.pdfhttps://qroo.gob.mx/sedetur/como-vamoshttps://mexiconewsdaily.com/news/cancun-airport-record-flight-numbers/https://www.forbes.com.mx/brand-voice/ad-turismo-wellness-un-viaje-al-interior/https://www.forbes.com.mx/ad-green-school-futuro-educacion-sustentable-zama-desarrollos/https://www.greenschool.org/http://www.datatur.sectur.gob.mx/SitePages/Visitantes%20por%20Nacionalidad.aspxhttps://www.reportur.com/mexico/2021/07/17/futuro-aeropuerto-tulum-podra-recibir-4-millones-pasajeros/https://www.elfinanciero.com.mx/empresas/2021/09/21/tren-maya-sale-re-caro-se-dispara-47-su-costo-y-suma-5-meses-de-retraso/#:~:text=Actualmente%20su%20costo%20es%20de,de%20pesos%20con%20IVA%20incluidohttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Municipalities_of_Quintana_Roohttps://www.travelandleisure.com/trip-ideas/i-moved-to-tulum-during-the-pandemic

18 March 2024 | 8 replies
Since these arguments ensued, Kevin has not replied back to any of my texts, deadlines, or anything else that relates to letting me know he wants to extend his lease agreement to the end of the year.

19 March 2024 | 9 replies
The goal is to work with motivated sellers whose number one priority is to get rid of their property, not to low ball sellers to make a quick buck, or mislead them into a deal that doesn't benefit them.If you have any incite on the questions I have (the reason for this post), please feel free to respond.

20 March 2024 | 175 replies
Antoine and his team are very reachable and are a text/phone call or message away.
17 March 2024 | 3 replies
Now, they are sending me text messages every time the neighbor plays their music.

17 March 2024 | 7 replies
Feel free to DM me directly on BiggerPockets or even reach out at the number in the signature below - I respond to all texts & calls.

18 March 2024 | 11 replies
I agree 100% with this.This might motivate here to get caught upbor seek rental assistance.

18 March 2024 | 21 replies
So once you have that clear, then the next step is to put a plan on how you are going to acquire the homes.you can network with wholesalers or find the properties in the MLS. also, you can drive for dollars, send direct mail to motivated sellers, place signs, advertise online or on radio or billboards, etc.There are so many different ways to find properties, I usually have about 20-30 properties under contract every month.