Kelly Arthur
Closed on my first deal yesterday
12 June 2017 | 12 replies
This one toughened me up for the future ones.
Duke Giordano
Compare Individual Syndication vs Private Equity Fund
29 July 2019 | 9 replies
While I'm not dismissing the fact that a combination of both is certainly ideal and is possible but given the toughened economic times we're in, I wouldn't bet on having both at the same time.
Phillip Ballard
First Rental Investment Strategy
23 March 2018 | 13 replies
You will need to toughen up as a landlord also so that tenants don't walk all over you!
James Kirby
New property eviction question / advice
14 June 2019 | 1 reply
Please don't just say toughen up.
Jonathan Guerrero
1000 postcards 7 calls
10 August 2015 | 19 replies
Maybe I need to toughen up my negotiation skills?
Katie Douglas
Frustrated with Bigger Pocket Posts
29 November 2015 | 109 replies
I wrote this in a moment of frustration and maybe I just need to toughen up and hustle more.
Paul S.
first direct mail marketing campaign... first angry homeowner
22 August 2014 | 17 replies
I share them at times to help toughen people up and let them know what they're in for.
Terry Brennan
Tenant is now 8 days late, now what?
9 January 2021 | 17 replies
Time to educate yourself, and toughen up regarding deadbeat tenants.
Alex Applebee
My first flip at 26, a woman, ZERO construction skills.
29 July 2016 | 337 replies
that is when you learn what you are made of, toughen up, get creative, and get it done.
Timothy Ray
What to look for in property managers
25 January 2021 | 29 replies
There are a lot of lousy PM’s out there, which has helped toughen me up.