Jason Grote
Best at Analyzing Comps: A Realtor, Investor, or Appraiser?
18 December 2013 | 73 replies
It doesn't make every report spot on, but increases the chances.
Michael Wentzel
2 more under contract... looking for feedback
23 December 2013 | 31 replies
I do have a working theory in this spot.
Heather C.
Should we even proceed?
12 December 2013 | 3 replies
Here’s the deal we are looking at:House last sold for $122,000 in 2008, asking price is $69,100.There are 2 potential problems with the house: 1.There is a small spot of mold in the master bedroom closet.Should we hire a professional and get an estimate of what this may encumber before we even make an offer?
Rob K.
Do you sell your rental when the value jumps?
18 December 2013 | 20 replies
I used that philosophy for stocks before I started investing in Real Estate.If you sell the property, what will you do with your proceeds and does that give you a better cash flow or chance for appreciation?
Jacob A.
Before and After.... My First Flip!!!
7 May 2014 | 204 replies
However, don't put too much stock in a few comments.
Gary Lallo
Recommendation for Contractor in Cincinnati
4 February 2015 | 2 replies
@Gary Lallo In your spot, the first thing I would do is check with people at the Cincinnati REIA.
Terry Portier
How's your 2013 Market?
20 November 2013 | 8 replies
Bill Gulley Sorry to put you on the spot with my silly questions, I realize now alot depends on the market I am struggling to figure out being here :) Maybe I should go to the guru and see if they even know any of this or are just passing through town trying to sell bunch of bs that don't work?
Treesa Hudson
Hello from Nashville
19 November 2013 | 9 replies
I hope to utilize my design training to spot good opportunities that can be re-habbed and am learning the RE business so I can be knowledgeable of the different opportunities and ways to invest.I have shared with a few friends in RE classes so maybe we can get a real connect group going here, who knows?
Aaron Mazzrillo
Note Terms & Clauses
5 December 2015 | 16 replies
RE foreclosures and collateral sales are not readily liquid and the fact that a recourse loans are made, address this issue of accepting a less liquid asset.Now, if the individual borrower were to pledge the property as well as cash assets, say a bond or even stock or bank CDs, then the collateral aspect could swing the risk assessment toward a NRD.Off to other areas.Usual and customary carries legal weight in any transaction, from buying a car to having pizza delivered to residential and commercial real estate deals.What would a reasonable person do in the same situation if they had equal or nearly equal knowledge as other parties?
Andrew K.
New Investor in the DMV (Washington, DC area)
25 December 2013 | 4 replies
From what I've seen so far, you're definitely in the right place; the advice and resources on this website are spot on.My real estate goals are pretty similar to yours.