Just a short while back, Marisa Mae was caught in the paycheck-to-paycheck trap, her credit cards stretched to their limits with no emergency savings to speak of, all while wrestling with constant financial stress. To...
The Financial Independence, Retire Early movement (FIRE movement) is changing. More people are investing, making money, and working from anywhere in the world. Investing education and advice has become easier to acces...
The last time Ramit Sethi was on the show, tears were shed, money fears were exposed, and Mindy was forced to take a hard look at her financial habits. Now, Ramit is back, as we revisit some of the critical moments of...
Do you want to know how to save $1,000 a month (or more!) with simple spending and saving tweaks? Today, we’re giving you the BEST money hacks for 2025 from the expert, Chris Hutchins of All the Hacks! Some of these s...
Happy Thanksgiving! This Turkey Day, we're giving you an encore of one of our favorite episodes on the money hacks EVERYONE should know about! This was one of our top shows of last year and will teach you how to save ...
Earlier this year, many Airbnb hosts expected the short-term rental market to fall off a cliff. With the threat of an economic recession, travel spending was supposed to crater, and with it, a slew of Airbnb failures....
Dion McNeeley retired in just ten years after starting from not just zero but NEGATIVE. He was forty years old with $89,000 in debt, had no assets, a low-paying job, and zero investing experience. Thanks to his “lazy”...
Wedding costs have been slowly growing over the past few decades. But recently, after a wild 2020, 2021, and 2022 wedding season, the average wedding cost has hit heights that most Americans simply can’t afford. But w...
Travel hacking allows you to see the world for less than you spend at home. That’s right. If you took your rent or mortgage payment in the US and traded it for traveling abroad, you could live off far less money and d...
You did it; you achieved FIRE! After over a decade of hard work, you’ve reached financial independence and can retire early. You’re making more money than you spend from passive income, work-optional, and life is good...