I'm looking to use Creative Financing Strategies for purchasing property but all I have is my standard Purchase and Sale Agreement. What would I need to add to this contract to create a Sub-to + Seller Finance + Novat...
Our current tenants love the property and they announced that they would like to fulfill a RTO agreement for this property. Do I draw up the RTO agreement on my own or do I need to go through a realtor for the RTO agr...

Let's say I'm an investor and I find a owner/seller who agrees to a lease option with me. The term is 2 years and the option fee is $2k. As an investor I find a tenant to sign a lease agreement for a year. This is whe...

hello everybody . I've been doing all of research on finding leads and I'm proud to say I've gotten pretty far . But I am stuck with finding a purchase and sale agreement contract for wholesaling . I've looked on goog...

As Dodd Frank Act coming, I can see that LO investor should use MLO ( Mortgage loan originator) as our middle man to structure a deal. I used to close a deal in an attorney office. My question is if you put a MLO i...

REAL ESTATE PURCHASE AGREEMENTThis Agreement shall become a binding contract between Buyer and Seller effective as of the Sellers Acceptance Date.General Information. The following capitalized terms and phrases have ...

Hello BP. I have been helping investors find properties to purchase for the last several months starting with my first profit made in June 2014. I have done about 5 more deals since. However, I have not been doing it ...

Ok. Im very confused about how the "option deposit" is credited back to the tenant-buyer. I dont understand how rent credits connect to this.Say a seller wants 100k for a home. I want 3 percent for my fee. So from wha...

I need help. My father had some renovations done 2 years ago under the Hero program. My mom passed away 8 months ago and since then my fathers house has been burglarized twice. He cannot live alone anymore and needs t...

Do you need a valid reason to cancel a deal during your due diligence period?