Going into my first meeting to pitch the seller on the idea seller financing to give them the option to collect more cash. I do not want to disclose this is my first think so let me know if I am missing any details.

My real estate wholesaling coach told me that I use the same kind of contract for the buyer as I use with the seller. The only difference is that you as the seller will have the buyers Total Purchase Price higher...

I need some input on self directed IRA's. If I bought a mobile home or other property with the IRA and collected the lease payments from a lease purchase agreement and paid the federal and state taxes would that cons...

After a year of prep, studying, and two prior years of appraising houses. I signed my first purchase agreement about 3 weeks ago. My real estate attorney gave me a number from a estate sale he was working on. Its i...

I know it’s hard to prove intent in an offer when it comes to wholesaling, but isn’t it a dead giveaway with novation agreements?
Is the government going to shut down novation agreements like they did ringless voi...

Give me a name of who that could be. I'm not taking about some guru who is not currently doing the strategy they teach. I'm talking about someone who has taught this investing strategy and it worked and still is worki...

All,I am hoping to get some feedback here w/ potential seller financing (I am the seller). I am a lawyer by trade and am generally not too good w/ understanding tax numbers, etc. I will try to keep it simple - any fee...

Hey guys,I have two appointments this weekend with sellers whose homes will be going to Foreclosure on 10/1. They both have existing mortgages + delinquent taxes - I am wanting to see all options (wholesale, subject t...