Hope you are off to a wonderful start in the new year.
First anytime a RE agent shows a property that you are interested in buying and don't have an agent with you, the agent showing the house automatically become dual agent.
The short sale now, if you have not signed a purchase offer yet make sure you are transparent with the lender. You have the right to negotiate the price yourself no need for a rep needed you are the buyer. The lender will request a BPO, and the agent will be notified of the date when they will go out to the property. Since you may not influence the BPO here is something might want to hand to the BPO agent get comps usually homes that have sold in the last 30 days and similar to size and a 1 Mile radius in differance. Have the home inspected make sure you get a contractors and several bids for the work that needs to be done deduct all fees including one (for the dogs) to find a home deduct it from the lowest comp. Put all your bids, inspection reprt and comps compiled together with the comps at the bottom of the packet staple together. Have your agent let you know when the lenders BPO agent will be at the property let him or her know you are the potential buyer and hand him the the packet.cross your fingers and hope that the BPO will come out to be a realistic price, Pull title and check the taxes and if HOA fees this will effect your profit if you plan on marketing the property after you acquire it. you do not need to put in a price for the purchase in the agreement, just state to be determined after BPO. Hope this helps
Thank You
Yvette Hernandez