Hi @Nam Nguyen, I completely understand your question. I'm also getting started from abroad and had always thought I'd start with TK rentals. I figured it's the easiest way to get in and it would minimize risk (after doing your due diligence) since I'd have my own counselor guiding me through the entire process. After picking the right provider and the right property, you'd be cash-flowing with very little effort from your part. It's definitely a sound strategy for OOS investors and hands-off investing.
You ask if it'd make sense to buy with cash then refi and use the cash to purchase another, assuming 70-80% LTV the problem with this is that you're not forcing appreciation through added value and therefore, don't have the equity to be able to take all your cash out. So, in essence you could do that, but you'd still leave 20-30% of your cash in the property, which would be the same as paying 20-30% for the downpayment. If it's even possible to do 100% financing, the issue would then be if with 100% financing it can cash flow.
However, what if you can buy the property from the turnkey provider at the distressed stage? Using the same turnkey provider to rehab and manage your property, you would have the same hands-off expereince with one major difference. This time you (or the turnkey provider) would have forced appreciation on the property and in turn, now have the equity to refinance and pull nearly all of your cash with a 70-80% LTV. This is currently the route I'm investigating and hope to find reputable turnkey providers that do this sort of operation.