Paul G. Breathe there big guy. Some of the best asset protection actually comes from a combination of LLCs AND umbrella coverage. If you want to talk about someone making assumptions, you're assuming that it's the PUP that I was talking about in the first place. If the PUP works out for you, then great. I'm glad that it works. The advice that is presented by those that are writing the best-selling books are to do due diligence and that umbrella policies ALONE are not necessarily the way to go by themselves. This is about getting as much information as possible to the BP community so they can assess and decide for themselves what is best for their own investment needs.
Jingrui Su (I know I spelled it wrong, but my screen won't scroll up to see the right spelling). There is going to be a lot of information presented by a lot of people. With that said, some of the information can be used with nuggets of other information to provide the best asset protection for yourself. I'm learning a lot on here and taking not only the wealth of knowledge from Kiyosaki, but also his tax advisor Gary Sutton. The Gary Sutton series that I've started reading provides a wealth of information and is a must-read for all investors. I'm glad that I was able to give you some useful information and refer you to some great reading to help you along. Keep us posted on BP, I'd love to hear your growth and progress knowing that I can learn a lot from you.