w/ repsects to Greens horizons reply to the posting... if you realize that this is a good opportunity then there's no need for a hard sell. I'm not in the business of "selling" real estate.. My aim is to provide novice/ 1st time investors w/ real life safe investment opportunities. Now if I came on here and said, "Hey" this is a great opportunity all the "experts" would criticize (as they have in the past) I enjoy picking brains and developing relationships with real estate investors alike so again, I am not a used car salesmen... I leave that to the "official website offering leads to private investors, pre foreclosure listing, etc... this was just a creative attempt to spark conversation about a particualr investment and it seems as if it has worked.
Guys, plainly, the developers is sitting on 35 million dollars and needs to liquidate his assets to continue developing... thus the reason for all the incentive, he'd rather take a hit up front know that her can achieve his bottom line on the back end....
Thanks for all your posting and feedback