BP... How the heck are ya? My name is William S. Newman. I am a new investor, but not without knowledge of the real estate market. I grew up in Milwaukee, WI and currently reside in Glendale, WI. I can smell a good deal. I can feel a great one. Like literally. When I know a great property has potential to net profits, I get the butterfly feeling in my stomach. I eat, sleep, breath real estate. Only recently have I pulled the trigger on making my dream of becoming a renowned investor materialize. It is always hard to take that 1st step, but it is always worth it. I previously did not have a strong support system behind me, but now everyone in my small circle of friends is focused, and in turn it is making me more focused. I also have a baby girl who will enter his world in a few short months. I want to spend time with her, watch her grow and never miss even the tiniest triumph in her life. She also has me thinking more about the future and not the present.
I am a Taurus, so I am very concerned with the quality of life and the future of my family. I also like to see others happy. Just because you live in a certain area does not mean that you should not have pride in where you live. I want to see more people owning homes and not just renting. There is a negative thought process in the inner city. Many believe they will never own a home. Thus their American dream will never happen. This will travel from generation to generation. There will be entire family trees that never amount to anything because no one ever showed them that their dreams can come true. I plan on nurturing families and preparing them for home ownership. I want to show them that it can happen. That you can raise your children in a safe and secure home in a beautiful neighborhood, and as long as you handle your business, NO ONE can take that away from you. The quality and structure that a child having growing up in a home is priceless. When moved around from apartment to apartment, there is never any sense of belonging. This turns into a downward spiraling path of destruction… OKAY, I’m done…
I know that investing in real estate will place me on the road of exactly where I need to be, and hope to end. It will also grant me the opportunity to help others. So please, please, please, reach out to me and I will reach back. My ambition and determination will make me a winner. I was placed here to do this… SUCCEED
Let's get ready to inveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeest....