Jacob, why would you EVER want to invest your own money? Here are a few pointers:
1. $5k liquid is basically NOTHING in the investment world. I'm sure you worked hard to save that, but it won't do much for you.
2. The OC is hard to wholesale in. You probably just THINK it's hard to wholesale in. It doesn't matter how many wholesalers there are, what the market is doing, or what the prices are in the area. You can ALWAYS find deals. If you can't, pick another area and wholesale there.
3. You don't need any money DOWN to wholesale. You find a deal, negotiate the price with the motivated seller and get it under contract. I NEVER offer an EMD, I just include a POF(proof of funds) letter so they know I have the funds to close. Never had a problem with it yet.
4. ALWAYS use someone else's money. You can wholesale with no money of your own. You can flip houses with no money of your own. Wholesaling will get you paid faster and with a LOT less effort and headaches than flipping will, but flipping will get you bigger pay days.
Personally, I'd start with wholesaling, move into flipping, then move into rentals. But always keep doing all 3 of them.
Check out my post on how to wholesale: