@Jorge Monroy
You should be able to click the save for later right by the title of the post on this page. If not just bookmark it in your browser.
@Imaan Pour
It all depends. None of my deals are near me. I partner with a wholesale company in Indy with a huge buyers list. All the showings are typically between the seller and the cash buyers. The Indy wholesalers aren’t there and neither am I. I know it gets kinda tricky when wholesaling virtually.
@Alan Zee I haven’t wholesaled any big multifamilies as of yet, but I would be interested in some and actually have a buyer near Indy looking for EXACTLY that. Let me know what’s up.
@Bob Prisco Awesome you’ve done so many deals! I understand your point, but why would someone want to be a “bird dog” and make a fraction of what they could doing it for themselves? I only wrote the post because there are so many so called “gurus” out there trying to sell garbage on the subject and it’s not helping anyone. This post is literally exactly what I do personally and it has worked well for me. I thought why not share?
@Noah Pearson Thanks man!
@Scott Swanson 30-90 days in my opinion is VERY realistic. Assuming they already have the knowledge on how to Wholesale. If they follow what I say to do in the post, it will work. Ran my first Facebook ads and had leads coming in by the 2nd day.