Well Christina the "section 8" game in our area differs from each housing authority jurisdiction . This is because some housing authorities don't have such a high demand for low income housing such as Baltimore and Washington. I don't really know of any websites that can give advice for our specific area. However I can advise you on all of these areas from my own experience. Baltimore City is probably the cheapest buy in however the return isn't so great in some neighborhoods. The rents are quite low in some areas however I've noticed that apartments buildings are rare and should be bided on quickly. The average row home in Baltimore is quite tricky just due to the fact that some streets can be great, but if you go around the corner it's rat infested and terrible. I would suggest to stay away from streets that have multiple vacants and from buying next to a vacant. The housing authority now frowns on those and the inspectors will cite the area as uninhabitable for the prospective tenant. Which can be crazy at times because most of Baltimore city has at least a couple of vacants on the street or in the neighborhood. John Hopkins has a lot of new development and I would try to buy in that area due to being close to the metro and market. Two bedroom houses have been a hit lately as well however the catch with houses is that darn water bill tenants at times fail to pay in a timey fashion. The county is getting a lot of influx of people who are transferring from the city to the county. That is a better bet for a higher rent payout. However of course the cost of the house will be way more. Montgomery County is a good market I see a lot of people using Montgomery village as their number 1 area for low income housing rentals. Prices are a bit rangy but are quite profitable. PG county is a couple years away from having a housing boom in vouchers. Especially around in the suitland, forestville, district heights area. This is because "new vouchers" aka new money which is always good. This is due to the fact that the district is going through a lot of changes and a lot more neighborhoods are becoming unaffordable. So ideally people are moving out of the city and are headed east towards PG county. Let me know if you need more info