Thanks @Linda Ezrah ! Someone who gets it! :) Speaking of finding a cheaper way to get motivated...
I'm just updating this thread with a new finding. LIfestyles Unlimited seems to provide fantastic mentoring and game plan for MUCH MUCH cheaper. Membership is $250/year for the first 2 years then it goes up to $500. You go to their 2 day seminar and you have access to a "team" of people who can help you pull through on deals. I had NO IDEA about this and googling did not help us find this. I only found this via word of mouth...
That being said, now that I know this option exists, I highly highly highly recommend it over doing Legacy Education. Save yourself a ton of money! Lifestyle Unlimited's plan to get you into REI makes a lot of sense, is simple, is easy to do, etc. Through Legacy Education, Walter and I learned a lot of different techniques and things to do and we were beginning to look for deals to apply it on and it gave us the confidence to do our first "small" deal. We were ready to start doing normal house deals and the game plan we came up with (with the help of a friend/mentor) is basically the game plan Lifestyles Unlimited teaches you.
Free podcast here:
So you won't know how to do all the fancy stuff and breath of stuff you will know how to do if you do invest in something like Legacy Education, but I think this program will get you to have skin in the game in a really do-able fashion.