@Mitchell Benson
Thanks for all the info. Yes we do have several rentals so I’m familiar with the numbers there - looking at owner finance, say at that price point with 10-20% down and 8% interest, the mortgage payment with taxes insurance would likely be a bit higher than market rent, by $100 or so. So I’m wondering if there’s a market for that.
The main reason we’re looking at owner finance is that, if the annual cash rental return not including appreciation is say 7.5% when you consider vacancy, capex, etc, and we’re able to finance for 8% - that is a better return in and of itself plus presumably less time overhead not dealing with maintenance. Additionally, property is worth more than what we have in it, so say we sell for 8% int, the actual return would be higher like 11% given we are not actually loaning the full amount being borrowed.
So it seems preferable to renting if property is paid off, as long as there are actually buyers looking for that rate, so that’s kind of what I’m looking into. What rates would be typical, what interest level would there be etc