Oh Oh Pick Me! I know how!
I've been doing this junk since I was 14. . .
Here's a tidbit of important info.
Structure your Ad Campaigns and Ad Groups in a fashion that allows you to optimize every "keyword grouping" and generate "qualified traffic"
For example.
My Ad Campaign would be :
Super Pocket Bikes
My Ad Groups would include:
X18 Super Pocket Bikes
Fast Super Pocket Bikes
110cc Super Pocket Bikes
X19 Super Pocket Bikes
Cheap Super Pocket Bikes
and etc...
For each of these Adword Groups, you than ad their respective keywords ONLY.
For example for ad group X18 Super Pocket Bike, I would have keywords:
110c X18 Super Pocket Bikes
X18 Super Pocket Bikes Fast
X18 Super Pocket Bikes
X18 Nitro Super Pocket Bikes
(Basically anything with the words "X18 Super Pocket Bikes")
THAN, for each of these ad groups, create AT LEAST 2 ads in which the keywords are prevalent. The reason you want at least 2 is because you ALWAYS want to test your ads. See which one does better and than keep that one and scrap the other. Meanwhile, create another to test against as well.
You repeat this for every Ad Campaign, Group, and than Keywords. By doing it in this fashion, you can control and track which keywords are doing better and optimize their relevancy better towards Google's rankings.
ALSO, you must do this separately for each type of keywords "Phrase" [EXACT] and Broad. I suggest you go [EXACT] First. Then Broad, and lastly, "Phrase"
For a successful google campaign you MUST be diligent. My Google Ad Campaigns run about a list of 50 separate campaigns divided in hundreds of ad groups, and than into thousands of key words.
There's the basics for you. If you can get this down, well, than you already doing better than most people. (please be aware that this method best optimizes you Dollar Per Click. You can always get more traffic by pouring in money into the campaign, but by doing it in this fashion, you don't pour as much)
Oh and make sure you keywords wisely selected as well. There's not point in building a big ad campaign on a keyword with no traffic.
Yeah.. There's too much to post ...