@Andrew Holmes
Way to start a conversation...there are some things I can agree with, and on the other hand I can pick apart. For one your fail rate is way to kind. The fail rail actually proven in REI is well over 90% within the first 2 years, as most people hang their hats and step aside. Heck I was almost one of them...and any person that has been in REI has contemplated this as well. To me this a true test of determination, because it really all rely on YOU!
There have been valid case studies of this fail rate. And personally about 3 years ago I called eveyrone that was in my REI class back in 2007...and we each paid roughly 6k to take the class. The total people in the class was 36 people. Total still doing the business in any capacity was 3 Including me. Goes to show you just because you pay for education doesn't mean you are going to stick with it.
You will have to define your rate if success..that's to interpretation.
Anyway, there are 3 types of Investors..and I happen to be all 3.
Quick cash (wholesaler) and no risk* - well the only risk is your name will be mud if your numbers are not wrong, so repeat business will never be had if so.
Fix and Flipper - Quick Cash - a lot risk, if your numbers are off, CMA's...repairs, etc...you can get your tail handed to you!...I know...I have been there too! Haha :)
Buy and Holder: The Wealth Builder. This is where wealth is made and contant revenue stream is realized when done correctly.
I have buddy of mine that has over 25 properties in Baltimore( I'm about 45 mins away...seems like another state sometimes...just a totally different part of Maryland...maybe because I'm closer to the nation's Capitol DC!).
I personally wouldn't own in city of Bmore if someone gave me a property...well..hmm..let me rethink statement hahah...
But seriously 25 properties..some in war zones, a few near John Hopkins University and Morgan State U... and net profits for him is over 7k a month.
Where we differ is I have 9 rentals and my numbers are the same. But I'm in PG/MO county, where my avg rent is over 2k on all my SFHs. I also have a DC brownstone, that I bought in 2009 semi-regut at the time cost me $535k, rehabbed over $500k, today its worth $1.7MM (3 years ago it was worth $2.6MM....whew!... come market...turn again baby!) converted 6 unit apt that alone pays for it self. Rent on each of these units is 3k a month.
My friend and I chop it up (talk) all the time, and compare our REI like a monopoly board... We lol...He has houses scattered all across the board he likes to see a lot of the his lol green pieces ...and I have maybe 5 Red hotels.. And if you know anything about monopoly Hotels rule! Haha...
Bottom line is, our constant bebate... I don't see the reasoning behind owning over 20 low rent properties in war zone BMore..and he doesn't see why I have 9 high end properties (ARV avg. 300K) because of the risk....insurance..etc
So lastly, I beg to differ your statement and will debate you regarding Low Risk=High Returns.
I don't know where you market it is...
But let me tell you...High Risk=High Reward...any day!
Thanks again for the post...