@Varinder Kumar This is what I would suggest:
1) Check Rentometer and/or Zillow to get an understand of how much you can rent per month.
2) You can post in the following:
A) Craig's List: Everyone normally post here since it's free and absolutely everyone will have visibility.
B) Zillow: This website has become a very well know marketing tool for buy and sell but majority doesn't know that you can post your rental here for free.
C) Facebook: Because of the popularity of Craig's list and the fact that social media is a new thing many people that I've known doesn't use social media for posting. Facebook is the mother of all social media and how I landed my 1st rental tentant here. There are normally groups within your area where community of people coming together to see other's posting for buying, selling, and trading.
E.g. One of the group that I've used is "559 Houses and Apartments For Rent" where there's 15K members on this group and you get instant feedback on your property whether it's good or bad. I mean look at the amount of people you already have here without having to pay heavily for market. Where and how much do you think you can post to get 15K people to see your advertisement? You can adjust your standards/pricing/policy (I had a no pet policy but everyone wanted to have a pet or two) based on their feed back. The members will start tagging their friends/family member, etc.
Within a 2 weeks time frame, I did 2 open house (on Saturday) for about 2 hours and I got about 20 family to come through the property to view it. The rent that I got was also on the high end of the rental comparison but I did some cosmetic upgrade to the interior, which made it feel like it was worth that much in a D+ area. This is the power marketing through social media.
This is the main reason why I think this tool is better than Craig's List or other website because you get the instant feedback regarding the property.
I hope this helps.