I never said that we structure our properties with the lowest down payments. On one of our latest properties, the down payment was 27% of the purchase price.
To increase the cash flow of our properties, we've introduced the FLEA (Forward-Looking Expense Allocation). The FLEA is a method of providing coverage for projected expenses over the holding period of the property. The FLEA provides for extremely high levels of cash flow relative to the initial investment amount while still maintaining high internal rates of return.
Granted, the IRR on our investment properties are lower with the FLEA than without; however, many of our clients so value the cash flow and the expense insurance that the FLEA provides that they are willing to sacrifice a little IRR.
On some of our larger projects, a single investor may not have the required capital to go in on it by himself. In those cases, we form syndications and spearhead the whole process thus making the property, essentially, a passive investment vehicle.
Our clients want to know where to put their money nowadays. Why not put it into an investment that is secured by income-producing real estate, partially guaranteed and that will deliver a high level of monthly cash flow (12% starting cash-on-cash return) and deliver a 50% return in two years? We walk our clients through the entire process and analysis and, needless to say, we earn them many fond returns...