The health care law, on the surface, is pretty cool. The theory is that everybody pays in, or gets taxed for not taking part. The less fortunate get their health insurance subsidized or completely paid for. Sure, there is some redistribution of wealth going on, but it doesn't seem too bad or egregious with this bill.
That's on the surface.
The real problem is that the country is facing rapidly rising health care costs. This is attributed to a couple reasons. One, most people in this country do not take care of themselves. They don't eat right, they don't work out, they don't exercise, etc. Secondly, pharmaceutical companies, in pursuit of profit, continually pump out new drugs to replace older ones. However, since they have the FDA in their back pocket, Big Pharma is able to put out these new, more expensive drugs even though they are NOT more effective than the older ones they are replacing (in many cases). Yes, it is sickening. Finally, our health care system is focused on curing symptoms, not the underlying problem. I guess part of the reason for this is because of our country's horrible health culture.
Democrats and Republicans offer no solutions to fight the real problem of rising health care costs.