It has worked out very well! I'm still running the Amarillo REIG today. The structure is quarterly meetings with a speaker - having each of the 4 meetings on a different topic. (This month's speaker is a Real Estate Attorney.) $25/person cost which includes food & drinks. I have a sponsor provide the food and they have a small window of time to introduce their business/service.
The months in-between quarterly meetings I schedule happy hour meet ups at a local restaurant/bar. Once a year I do a Cashflow Board Game night. Attendance for the events is around 40+. We have a good core group of about half that number and the rest are usually investor newbies or 1st time attenders.
It's not a money maker for me. But by far the best thing about it has been the relationships I've made through the years. The challenge has been stepping out of my comfort zone to lead these and also coming up with topics and finding speakers. Finding sponsors and venues has been the easy part.